Robin Milam on the Rights of Nature – Healing from the Ground Up

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Molly Arthur host of Healing from the Ground Up interviews of Robin Milam of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, discussing, what are rights? why should Nature have rights? How does this change the legal infrastructure and how does it allow a clearer spiritual understanding of our world? How is the indigenous belief system related to the RIghts of Mother Earth and this modern movement that is gaining ground across the globe?

Robin Milam is a social entrepreneur with a broad business and internet marketing background.  Robin’s passion is re-aligning human consciousness and restoring natural balance through the worldwide implementation of Rights of Nature.  As a global advocate for the Alliance, Robin has organized and hosted Rights of Nature events around the world including the 2014 Global Rights of Nature Summit and International Rights of Nature Tribunal in Ecuador, the  International Rights of Nature Tribunal in Lima, Peru, and sessions in the United Nations’ and People’s Summits at the Earth Summit 2012/Rio+20 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil June 2012 and the 2011 UN Convention on Climate Change (COP17) in Durban, South Africa.

Robin participated in the 2010 People’s Conference on Climate Change and Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia and stood with 35,000 people to acclaim the Universal Declaration for the Rights of Mother Earth. Robin has been a catalyst in a global grassroots Rights of Mother Earth campaign to present 1,000,000 signatures calling forth the universal acceptance of Rights of Mother Earth. She and colleagues presented 120,000 signatures to UN Secretary General at the Earth Summit 2012/Rio+20 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.