Webinar 1.0

The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature’s Webinar Series

2018 – 2019

Join us through this incredible journey to learn more about the Rights of Nature movement, with amazing speakers, who are changing the world and the way we look at Nature!

Click here> Webinar program sheet to download the information in .pdf to know about: the speakers, topics, how to register, important dates to remember, registration procedures and any questions that may arise!

Dr. Vandana Shiva will be joining us for the final episode of our Webinar series! We are waiting on a confirmation from Dr. Shiva for the date and we will announce it an opportune moment.

Stay tuned!

March 27th – 2019

In August 2018, a commission of the International Rights of Nature Tribunal, along with our webinar speaker, Pablo Solón, visited Bolivia to obtain first-hand information and to meet with all the parties involved in the conflict in the construction of the road through the protected area and Indigenous territory of the TIPNIS. In this webinar, we will see what the results of this visit have been and how progress is being made in fulfilling the rights of Mother Earth in Bolivia, which hosted the 2010 Peoples Conference on Climate Change and Rights of Mother Earth.

To register please click on the following link> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7v2GSTG9EOcUarEtY8Ffevw4M0_pJIQzeoyFWqeTFR-AN9g/viewform

You will find all the information you need and receive a confirmation for your registration.

We hope you can join us!

January 30th – 2019

Michelle Bender is our next wonderful speaker, who will continue on with our Webinar series for this new year. This webinar will highlight current ocean protection efforts, provide an overview on cases where Rights of Nature has been advanced in ocean law internationally, and the lessons learned we can take towards further implementing ocean rights together.

To register please click on the following link> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfRWW6ghwfBRjaEgk9-hhtAjROId6xVmn2CtBrsi-DFMT0ICg/viewform

You will find all the information you need and receive a confirmation for your registration.

We hope you can join us!

August 30th – Rights of Nature in plurinational Ecuador: The diversity of the national movement and Rights of Nature as a powerful tool for defending Pachamama

Join Natalia Greene, who is part of the International Rights of Nature Tribunal’s Secretariat and part of the Executive Committee of The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature in a webinar that will take you through the journey of making Ecuador, the first country in the world to adopt Rights of Nature in its National Constitution.  This became a key element to achieve “Buen Vivir” of well-being as a model of development based in the respect of the various indigenous nationalities living in Ecuador and the protection of the country’s unique mega-diversity.

To register please click on the following link> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc23Vv8-YP9Q2pdpnvC2x2y_dy9Z8D5h9z9JHyyZSDSELHQxA/viewform

July 12th – Donner une voix à la nature – Conversations sur les droits de la nature autour de leaders qui changent la donne

Don’t forget to register for our next webinar, from our webinar series “Giving Nature a Voice”. This time with Valérie Cabanes, who is part of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature’s Executive Committee and expert in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. This webinar will be held on July 12th and will address Rights of Nature as legal concept and vision for protecting all living beings on this Earth, and transforming the current global system.

This time the webinar will be directed towards our french speaking followers/population.

We hope you can join in! 

REGISTER HERE: https://goo.gl/qRRr99
Take a look at our programme here: http://wordpress-566259-1826367.cloudwaysapps.com/webinar/

If you need to find out at what time this webinar will be in your time zone, here is a useful tool you can use: https://www.timeanddate.com.

*** *** ***

Bonjour à tous!
Nous vous remercions d’avoir participé aux premiers séminaires en ligne de notre série «Donner une voix à la nature – Conversations sur les droits de la nature autour de leaders qui changent la donne». Le 12 juillet prochain, se tiendra notre prochain séminaire en ligne en compagnie de Valérie Cabanes! Ce séminaire sera en français et traitera des Droits de la Nature comme concept juridique et comme vision pour protéger tous les êtres vivants sur cette Terre, et transformer le système global actuel. Afin d’y participer, entrez le lien ci-dessous pour vous inscrire. Suite à votre inscription, vous recevrez les informations sur la façon de rejoindre le séminaire via un lien Zoom.
Lien de l’inscription ICI: https://goo.gl/qRRr99
Pour retrouver notre programme en ligne: http://wordpress-566259-1826367.cloudwaysapps.com/webinar/
Si vous avez besoin de savoir à quelle heure les séminaires se tiendront dans votre fuseau horaire, voici un outil utile que vous pouvez utiliser: https://www.timeanddate.com
Nous espérons que vous pourrez vous joindre à nous

June 7th –  El Derecho Salvaje: El derecho de los Derechos de la Naturaleza – Ramiro Ávila Santamaría

(Webinar in Spanish)

Link to register for this Webinar: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScqR602llz7Di-zu9v6zrw8SXJZycmLONRP6SjOYY6yQ1g13Q/viewform

Vamos a ver los problemas del paradigma antropocéntrico y analizar el derecho de los Derechos de la Naturaleza: la validez normativa, las fuentes, Derechos de los seres no humanos, la exigibilidad y los casos que existen para defender la naturaleza.

JUNE 5th – La Pachamama – Ramiro Ávila Santamaría 

(Webinar in Spanish)

Link to register for this Webinar: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdl1vHpEIcG2e3Kgts1GL4KfWYfhdEjvLM43nPrZ_meCgIRJQ/viewform

Vamos a explorar la epistemología andina para entender la Pachamama. El valor del uso y la utopía andina serán analizados junto con el (des)encuentro con la naturaleza y la literatura.

MAY 31st – Rights of Nature: Protecting and Defending the Places We Live

First Webinar in Collaboration with WECAN and Movement Rights

During this training we will explore the paradigm-shifting work of Rights of Nature, and explain how this transformative legal framework is already being used around the world to challenge legal systems based on dominion over and exploitation of the Earth, and instead usher in a legal, social, political and economic framework based upon the inherent rights and natural laws of the Earth’s living systems. We will delve into examples of how U.S. and international communities are successfully enacting local Rights of Nature legislation as a tool to protect ecosystems, their communities and just climate solutions. Presenters will also share stories of the growing global movement for the Rights of Nature and the dynamic Rights of Nature Tribunals that have been held in countries worldwide.

Click here https://www.facebook.com/events/195987731155025/ for more information!